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Student Wellness

Exercise Helps Your Brain!

You've probably heard that exercise is good for your brain, but is it true?  According to researchers at Harvard Medical School it is!  Click on the image below to learn about why your brain loves exercise so much.   

The Importance of a Healthy Diet

Being a Healthy Husky

You were up until two again finishing that LP paper and barely had time to grab a cup of coffee in Knight Hall before Contracts- now the sound of your rumbling stomach is threatening to drown out the Professor’s explanation of compensatory damages.  You think ahead to lunch and remember that the club you just joined has a meeting, with pizza of course.  You start to ask yourself when you last ate a meal that WASN’T pizza… 

But you’re a busy law student, how can you possibly have time to eat healthy?  Well, with a bit of preparation and will-power, you can! 

And you should-- studies have shown that not only is a healthy diet important in the long term, but it also improves mental clarity and energy (read: better grades).  To eat healthy on a tight schedule, try meal prepping!  All you need is a lunch box, some Tupperware, and a plan!  We’ve included a couple of links for beginner meal-preppers, but the basic concept is simple: instead of cooking every day, make big-batches on Sunday of mix-and-match proteins, veggies, starches, and fruits that you can eat all week!  

The strategies differ, but it’s important to figure out what works for you.  Also make sure to look up the fridge-life of your food to make sure it will still be edible by the end of the week. 

Did you forget your lunch in the fridge?  Check out the healthy options on campus- the café in Knight Hall (open 8am to 6pm during the semester) has healthy snacks like granola bars and nuts, and the new student center in the library has fresh fruit and sandwiches!

While we can’t guarantee that an apple a day will keep the C’s away, we hope you’ll think twice the next the next time you reach for that pizza slice!  



Here at the Law School, you have some solid options to get a quick workout in.  

1. The gym on campus!  Did you know that we have a gym on campus?  A climate-controlled gym in the basement of Knight Hall offers cardio equipment, including elliptical machines, treadmills, stationary bicycles, a rowing machine and a stair-climber. It also has free weights, benches and fitness accessories. It's great for a light workout between or after classes- especially in the winter when taking a stroll feels like a frost-bite risk .Click here for the waiver.   

2. Area gyms.  There are lots of gyms around the law school.   Don't forget to ask about student discounts!  

3. Go for a walk in Elizabeth Park.  We're so lucky to have Elizabeth park only a couple of blocks away, and it's a great place to take a stroll between classes.  Even when all the flowers are gone, there are still the ducks to see!

Pro Tip: So pressed for time you don't want to leave the library?  Do some stretched at your desk and walk up and down all 5 flights of stairs.  Simple, but effective.  


Stretching at your desk


Stock up on "Brain Boosting" superfoods!  


In addition to eating a well-rounded healthy diet, some studies have suggested that certain foods are powerhouses when it comes to keeping your brain at its best.  

Click on the picture about to check out an article on Business Insider by Kathleen Elkins about foods that can give your brain a boost.  

Some of them, like blueberries and dark chocolate, can make for easy snacks in the library while others, like avocado and smoked salmon, can be kept in mind when you grocery shop!  
