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Sources of Federal United States Law

This guide was designed for use by non-U.S. law students at UCONN Law School.



Agency regulations are issued under authority of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. Subchapter II).  Proposed and Final Rules as well as Notices are published Monday-Friday in the Federal Register.  The Final Rules are officially published annually in the Code of Federal Regulations.

Tribunals & Courts

Each federal agency has its own adjudication system for hearings within the agency. Agency cases are appealable to the Federal Courts. Look at the agency's website for decisions and in the Law Libray's online catalog (searching by agency) and databases for agency case reports.

Other Agency Materials

Each federal agency publishes materials unique to that agency. Much of the material that is current is available on the agency's website. For historical material, consult the Law Library's online catalog and databases.

Presidential Documents



  • The White House Official website (See Briefing Room for official statements and documents, Our Government for links to official websites of the branches of government)
  • USA.Gov: Government Made Easy (Official website for the Federal Government Agencies - Has alphabetical clickable listing of federal agencies and commissions and also links to websites of other parts of the Federal Government, State Governments, Local Governments and Tribal Governments)



  • The American Presidency Project (UCSB - The American Presidency Project is the only online resource that has consolidated, coded, and organized into a single searchable database:
     • The Messages and Papers of the Presidents: Washington - Taft (1789-1913)
     • The Public Papers of the Presidents:
    Hoover to G.W. Bush (1929-2007)
    & Obama (2009)

     • The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents:
    Carter - G.W. Bush (1977-2009)

     • The Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents:
    Obama (2009-2012)
    • The archives also contain thousands of other documents)
  • Hein Online - See the U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals Library & The U.S Presidential Library [NetID may be required].
  • Bloomberg Law- Access through Research Databases on the Law Library webpage.[NetID may be required] Contains agency and court decisions for such fields as Labor Relations, Banking, Employee Benefits, Environment and Safety, Trade and Commerce, and Tax. Also on Bloomberg Law [ID required]
  • Lexis Advance and Westlaw are both excellent sources for finding federal agency decisions.[ID required]



Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary (2006-current) Continues the Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judges (1981-2006)

Administrative Law Journal (1987-1996 - American University)

Administrative & Reglatory Law News (1994-current - Section of Administrative and Regulatory Practice, ABA) Need to use Print and Electronic to get full-text for complete range of dates.

Administrative Law Review (1960- current - Indexing only for most current 2 years - Administrative Law Section, ABA - Electronic PDF - Hein Online) Continues Administrative Law Bulletin (1949-1960).

Regulation (1977-current - Cato Institute)

Developments in Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice (2000-current - Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, ABA) Need to use Print Call no. KF5401 A15 D48 and Electronic to get full-text for complete range of dates.

Koch, Administrative Law and Practice (2010- current - Print - Call no. KF5407 K63 2010). Electronic is on Westlaw (ID required).

Administrative Law, Third Series, Willis, ed. (1989-currrent - formerly Fisher & Pike, now BNA - Print - Call no. KF5401 A52 P5 1989

Pierce, Administrative Law Treatise (2010- kept current with supplements - Print- KF5402 D2 2010)
