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Cite-Checking and Source Guide for the Connecticut Journal of International Law

This guide is meant to be a starting place for the source and cite checkers of the CJIL. Finding International and Foreign Law materials can be difficult. Please consult a Reference Librarian if this guide does not help you find what you are looking for.

International Organizations

Official international legal documents can be found many places.  These are but a few:

Each International Organization will have its own official website that will link to official publications or help you identify them

For instance,

  • ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations)

Then many of the constituent sections within these organizations may also have their own websites:

For instance,

  • International courts & tribunals:

  • Parliamentary assemblies

NGO Websites & Databases

Also remember that there are international NGOs that are subject specific that issue their own documents:

For instance,

There are other entities that collect documents in a particular field:

For instance,





International Law is such a complex field that research guides may be your best way into the material you are looking for:

Useful UCONN Law Library electronic LibGuides:


See other research guides here:

See also the following books in the collection:

National Governments

Each national government will have a State Department or Foreign Office where you may find treaties and/or other official documents, many have their own website:

For instance,

Remember that other agencies within national goverments also are responsible for producing international documents:

For instance,

Multijurisdictional Websites & Databases