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Cite-Checking and Source Guide for the Connecticut Journal of International Law

This guide is meant to be a starting place for the source and cite checkers of the CJIL. Finding International and Foreign Law materials can be difficult. Please consult a Reference Librarian if this guide does not help you find what you are looking for.

Cite-Checking Tips

  • Do not forget that the source cited by the author may not be the most authoritative source to cite and it is your responsibility to find  and cite the most authoritative source.  For instance, if an author cites Wikipedia as the source he used for the text of the U.S. Constitution, you will want to change that to the proper citation in the United States Code.
  • Once you have obtained the source which is cited, you can verify the accuracy of the citation.
  • Remember that if there is an electronic version of the text used by the author, you can probably verify the accuracy of the citation without having to request it on ILL. - Use full-text searchable databases to assist you in locating particular quotes and paraphrases, such as the following: