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Cite-Checking and Source Guide for the Connecticut Journal of International Law

This guide is meant to be a starting place for the source and cite checkers of the CJIL. Finding International and Foreign Law materials can be difficult. Please consult a Reference Librarian if this guide does not help you find what you are looking for.

Obtaining the Source

If you have not found a direct link to the source cited using any of the guides and databases above, but have determined what that source is, you are ready to try to obtain it. 

  • Check the Law Library catalog to see if we have it;
  • Check our databases--Lexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg Law, HeinOnline, JSTOR, Project Muse, and other relevant subject-specific databases, try Google Scholar, Google Books, etc-- to see if you can find it or a citation that tells you where others found it;
  • Check WorldCat  - if you can find it on WorldCat, your journal can place an InterLibrary Loan request for it.



  • Remember that official texts of foreign law will be in the official language of that jurisdiction.  If an author cites an English translation of a legal source where English is not an official language and does not indicate a translator or publisher, you need to determine that information before you can find it. 
  • Did the author use a standard, published translation?  If so, you need to find out which was used. Or did the author do the translations herself? In all likelihood, only the author can answer these questions.



See the following subject specific UCONN Law Library LibGuides:

These are other helpful Research Guides (but note that they may include materials UCONN Law Library does not hold):


The following are multijurisdicitonal legal research guides and books that will either link you to primary and secondary sources or will tell you where to find such materials:

Databases & Websites

These are multijurisdictional websites and databases that either link to electronic official (and unofficial) sources of primary law and/or tell you where to find them in print.