by Adam Mackie
Last Updated Apr 4, 2024
298 views this year
General Career Guidance
Swimming Lessons for Baby Sharks by Grover E. ClevelandThe go-to book for new lawyer success at leading firms and schools, Swimming Lessons for Baby Sharks contains critical advice new graduates need to thrive. Completely revised and updated, the Second Edition includes vital new information on networking, client service, business development, project management, and many other topics. The goal is simple: To help new lawyers start strong. With an easily readable style, Swimming Lessons for Baby Sharks helps new lawyers navigate unwritten rules and stay afloat in a challenging profession. The book contains hundreds of tips with inside information from successful lawyers nationwide. Humorous, real-life examples illustrate the lessons along with checklists to provide comprehensive advice quickly. With employers and clients clamoring for "practice-ready" graduates, the Second Edition's lessons are more essential than ever.
Call Number: Ebook
Publication Date: 2022
The Education of a Lawyer by Gary MuldoonThis book is a delightful read that provides invaluable advice about the practice of law. Written for aspiring and young attorneys, the book is a font of wisdom on a range of topics: legal writing, speaking, handling clients, staying current on the law, and managing all the relationships typically encountered by lawyers. Derived from the author's decades of experience as a lawyer and teacher, the book is filled with stories and telling anecdotes. Some are hilarious, some are cautionary, but nearly all contain a nugget of practical insight that readers can apply to their own practice. Decidedly original and consistently entertaining, The Education of a Lawyer will make readers laugh, think, and nod in recognition. And most importantly, it will help readers to become better lawyers.
Call Number: KF300 .M83 2014
Publication Date: 2015
Soft Skills for the Effective Lawyer by Randall KiserIn this groundbreaking book, Randall Kiser presents a multi-disciplinary, practice-based introduction to the major soft skills for lawyers: self-awareness, self-development, social proficiency, wisdom, leadership, and professionalism. The work serves as both a map and a vehicle for developing the skills essential to self-knowledge and fulfillment, organizational respect and accomplishment, client satisfaction and appreciation, and professional improvement and distinction. It identifies the most important soft skills for attorneys, describes and applies hundreds of studies regarding psychology, law, and soft skills, and provides concrete steps and methods to improve soft skills. The book should be read by law students, attorneys, and anyone else interested in how lawyers should practice law.
Call Number: KF300 .K597 2017x
Publication Date: 2017
The Legal Career by Katrina LeeThis first-of-its kind business of law coursebook covers critical topics in the evolving legal profession. A fascinating, informative read for any law student or lawyer or person hoping to learn more about today's legal landscape, the book features chapters on the structure and business of a law firm; the corporate law department; the emergence of law companies; legal technology; access to justice; employment and diversity in the legal profession; lawyer well-being; and legal education reform. Students will learn from detailed, insightful interviews of people working in law, including a co-founder of a leading law company; a legal innovation designer; the vice president and chief risk officer of a global medical technology company; a deputy legal counsel for an artist crowdfunding platform startup; a national pro bono counsel; law school deans; a law firm managing partner; and a senior director of knowledge and innovation delivery. Interactive exercises and questions for reflection and discussion are included throughout the book. This book, with its innovative holistic approach to the business of law, is ideal for business of law or legal professions courses, law school orientation, legal career services programs, and seminars on the legal profession.
Call Number: Ebook
Publication Date: 2020
The Significant Lawyer by William S. DuffeyWith more than forty years in practice, including fourteen years on the federal bench, and informed by hundreds of conversations with other lawyers, Judge Duffey has cultivated a deep interest in the culture and challenges within the legal profession. The Significant Lawyer is the product of his experiences and conversations. It describes changes in the legal profession beginning in the mid-1980s when lawyers began to measure success by the profits they and their firms generated. Law became a business, not a profession. Integrity, efficiency, and strong client relationships eroded. Lawyers found themselves professionally unfulfilled. The suicide rate for lawyers skyrocketed. They forgot about their oaths; oaths that require civility, commitment to justice, fair play, and respect for the courts. Practice today would look vastly different if lawyers aligned themselves with the shared values of their profession and with their own values and priorities. Clients would be treated differently, colleague relationships would be strong, productive, and respectful. But is this kind of alignment possible anymore? It takes commitment and resolve for a lawyer to live by the oaths taken when admitted to practice and to adopt the right priorities. Choosing this path, an attorney embraces the practice of law as a profession and commits to serve others with integrity, competence, and compassion. The outcome is a lawyer who discovers fulfilment and significance in the practice of their profession, and the profession is better for it.