Start with a the library's catalog. If the library owns the book, the catalog will tell you its location, the call number, and whether it is checked out.
If the book is checked out, make sure it is not checked out to your journal. If the book is not checked out to your journal, the library may be able to recall the book for you from the patron who has it. Just ask at the Information Desk.
If the book is in our collection, use your journal's procedures to submit a scanning request through our Library2Go service.
DO NOT submit a scanning request for journal materials under your own name.
If we do not have the book in our collection, search WorldCat to verify the citation. If the book is held at other libraries, you can submit an Interlibrary Loan request for it.
If the book was published prior to 1925, it is out of copyright, and may be freely available on the web. Try these digital libraries for older material before you request them through interlibrary loan:
Don't recognize a citation abbreviation? These books will help you decipher abbreviations and locate the correct source: