We have many books in the library** that tackle the topic of religion from a variety of perspectives, both works that look at how the secular law interacts with religion and also those that compare differing religious legal systems. To get the best results out of our catalog for general works, use the advanced search features and search using subject terms like:
You'll find many results land on call numbers starting with BL65. This is the Library of Congress classification for works with the subject matter "Religion in relation to other subjects."
Conversely, you also may see results with various K designations like K3280. The K stands for the subject matter "Law in general" and the numbers 3280 communicate the specific topic of "Church and state."
Since libraries are arranged by subject, one good result should always lead to another, so heading to the shelves with a call number in hand is a great way to find other potentially relevant sources.
**for those materials designated as available online, you'll need a NetID to access them while off campus