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Critical Law Librarianship-LLNE / SNELLA Spring 2022 Meeting

Yale Library's Books to Prison Program

As part of the Spring Meeting, the Service Committee is partnering with Yale Library’s Books-to-Prison Program.  To date, the program has delivered over 2,000 books to jails and prisons across Connecticut.  They have also provided books to domestic violence shelters and are reaching out to the community to provide books for local homeless shelters and food pantries.   

To donate, please bring new or like new paperbacks (fiction or popular non-fiction) as well as recent law books to the Spring Meeting.  You can drop off your donation at the Service Committee table near registration.   

If you are unable to make the meeting, you can still donate by purchasing books from your favorite bookstore and having them shipped to: 

Julian Aiken Yale Law Library 127 Wall Street, New Haven, 06511 

Or you can purchase an electronic gift card through RJ Julia Independent Booksellers and send it to

If you have any questions, please contact co-chairs, Jessica Almeida at and Kaitlin Connelly at  

- The Service Committee