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Cite-Checking and Source Guide for the Connecticut Journal of International Law

This guide is meant to be a starting place for the source and cite checkers of the CJIL. Finding International and Foreign Law materials can be difficult. Please consult a Reference Librarian if this guide does not help you find what you are looking for.

Getting the Source

If you have not found a direct link to the source cited using any of the guides and databases above, but have identified what the source is, you should look in the following:

  • Check the Law Library catalog to see if we have it;
  • Check our databases--Lexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg Law, HeinOnline, VitalLaw (previously CCH Intelliconnect), JSTOR, Project Muse, and other relevant subject-specific databases, try Google Scholar, Google Books, etc.-- to see if you can find it or a citation that tells you where others found it;
  • Check WorldCat  - if you can find it on WorldCat, you can place an InterLibrary Loan request for it.
  • Ask a Reference Librarian for assistance in locating it.


You need to be flexible when you are looking for sources so remember that you can also use published journal articles, books, case digests and indices to help you find documents that are not where your author says they are.  Remember, however, that if you have problems, please consult a Reference librarian before you spend a lot of time on it.

Tips - Official Documents

Official Government Documents (not always in print):

  • Many official documents are available on official government websites. There may be no official printed version, the print may not be widely available, the print may lag so much in time that it is not functionally available. You must use these official texts pdf or not as we cannot get official printed versions.

Official Documents (not always official documents):

  • What appears to you to be an official government or NGO document may not really be an official document and you may need to find a copy on an unofficial website or other unofficial source especially if it is an older (1995 or before) document.

Tips - Interlibrary Loan

  • Be sure to follow the CJIL procedure for submitting ILLs
  • ILL is to be used judiciously.  You must be aware of what you are asking for and ensure that you are not asking for something you will not get..
  • If you cannot find it on WorldCat, we cannot get it on ILL. Please remember the ILL system does not recognize abbreviations.
  • If our Law Library has access to the source or not enough of the libraries that lend to us have it, your request will not go through.
  • Certain things will not be provided by other libraries at all through ILL (e.g. newspaper articles, non-circulating materials e.g., looseleafs and reference).
  • Certain things will not be provided for free through ILL (items held by libraries who do not freely loan to us).

Tips - URLs


  • Some things that used to be available on the web are not now available on the web.  If an author gives you a URL for a source that you cannot now find, use The Internet Archive Wayback Machine to see if you can find a copy of that URL.